Create an opportunity from each adversity and hardship

Transforming weakness into strength, developing those areas that aren’t, reinforced is tuff for peoples. Create an opportunity from hardship.

faith action and motivation is what gets the results, have the added motivation to prepare and be ready to perform to the letter, and spare no details imagine every conceivable scenario, How we prepare ourselves to meet with future events will determine How well we will perform under pressure , 

Rehearsal like a basketball player studying tapes , or a boxer shadow boxing against imaginary opponents , a sales man preparing for all possible objections, taking noting of his physical and mental gifts to communicate his points across,and his areas of deficiencies with  sincerity is the golden key for transforming weakness into strength, developing those areas that aren’t, reinforced is tuff for  a lot of peoples, Including me, I been there done that,

 who don’t like constructive criticism, wisdom is what helps us  make jewels from them, and instead take them onboard with the enthusiasm of a mechanic 

Truth will grant you Authority

Believe in what you’re doing if you’re in sales believe 100-percent in your products or service make sure you know all the ins and outs creating the best possible win-win situation for everyone involved this is the  power of sincerity backed with the truth allows that natural creative mechanism to flourish !!

 if your a business owner create something unique of your own creation or design it so you’re swimming in your own blue Ocean, this is the beauty of creativity everyone has something to offer in their own  unique way,  it does take a while to really discover your style in the beginning everyone Regardless  of what you’re doing if you’re is not particularly  good at it,

 you begin to enjoy it once  you understand the rules of the game, there’s a learning  curve  the key to all progress patience and determination to see your vision through,

 if someone has done it there’s no reason why you can’t do it as well , keep things simple straightforward and you too can experience success and prosperity. 

Using  your natural Talents to the fullest capacity of course, in the right category where they can be  most effective, start building with the end in sight do the research so you don’t get caught by surprise ,there’s a demand for what  you have to offer the world ,  have the adequate skills to meet those demands, and learn everything on the subject under the sun , for example i love health and well being  i just finished my daily work out here 


If you’re still searching  you’ll find clues  in places where you spend most of your time consuming content why not become a creator,  go to the source of  the  knowledge that Inspires  you to learn more about, you can even share with  fellow enthusiasts ,What a win-win situation not only would you be activating your creative mechanism you’d also be inspiring other peoples   to activate there’s ,One of the most fulfilling actions a human being can engage with that’s time well spent on investments that keep on compounding physically spiritually and mentally , enyoy the  journey 

 study the 50 greatest performers of all time in your sector, learn all their moves  what separates them from the rest of the Pack 

Every Generation adds one new dimension  ethically improving  the blueprint fron  the predecessors the best examples, have all  ready come among  us  all that remains to do is study the past,We are all based on inspiration 

we don’t have to recreate the wheel every now and again you get a genius  who does things on another level ,

 we shouldn’t expect to fill this role , we must  just roll and attempt to control the talent’s we have received at our  disposition to move to the  next position, and the next position and and maintain an attitude of gratitude that we are still in good shape and in good health able to contribute to the People’s well-being.

Stay tuned i have a spoken word coming up shortly for you on this topic i will and it here 



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